Wednesday, January 27, 2016

My Artist Statement

I decided to take Photography 1 because I wanted to learn how to use my new camera and to gain some more photoshop skills. I've learned that photography is not a right or wrong answer and that you have to try everything because you never know how it will turn out after you edit it. Through photography have learned that I am pretty good with photoshop. A challenge this semester was finding the time to take pictures but I managed to always find enough time. My favorite piece of work is a photo I took in the beginning of the year of a yellow bus, I love it and had it printed off and hung on my wall. If I could redo a project it would be the light writing because I figured out how to give myself more time to write than the 20 seconds I had.

In my galaxy tub picture I wanted it to symbolize wonder and an out of this world feel, It represented how you can find wonder and excitement anywhere you look for it. My plant monster symbolised how everything is not always as it seems. The book represented the light and excitement that we find in books and stories. It represents how much I love reading when it is a good book. The coffee picture is pretty self explanatory haha. I want people to feel wonder and excitement when they look at my project.

If I were to give a future photography 1 students advice I would tell them to look outside the box, don't go for the obvious answer. I would also suggest taking digital arts first because it helped me out a lot having some knowledge of photoshop before coming into the class.

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